General Information:
A well-qualified and professional counseling staff is available to assist Cathedral High School students with academic counseling, college and career planning and personal counseling. Students may request to see a counselor by filling out a referral form or dropping by the Counseling Center. Parents who wish to meet with their son's counselor may call or email for more information (see below). Be sure to check the website and school calendar for upcoming college and guidance evenings for students and parents.
Test Information:
Cathedral High School has its own code for SAT registration and other College Board activities. It is 051560. Use this number when registering for the SAT.
Counseling Services:
Personal Counseling:
Individual counseling upon student or parent request or referral from a teacher, coach or administrator; Parent conferences and referrals resources; Crisis intervention counseling, Drug and alcohol abuse prevention information, education, referrals.
Academic Counseling:
Grade Level Academic Counselors (See Below) work with students and parents in the following areas:
Course selection, requirements, placement; Parent Information Evening Programs; Information regarding enrollment in Advanced Placement, Honors, Accelerated and College Courses and Summer Session; Tutoring information, Monitoring of academic progress, including regular and interim Progress Reports and the Staffing Program; Standardized Testing: Information, Administration and Interpretation: PSAT, ACT, SAT I, SAT II. Registration for 2021-2022 will take place during the first two weeks in March. Please check out the grade level counseling pages for more information. 9th Grade , 10th Grade , 11th Grade
College Counseling:
College Information and Financial Aid Parent-Student Evening Programs; Campus visits by representatives of universities and colleges; Letters of Recommendation and contact with University representatives as appropriate.
Wellness Fair:
We all know that mental Health is just as important as physical health. But how do you maintain good mental health? Well, the Cathedral High School Counseling Department is sponsoring a Wellness Fair. On Wednesday, September 21 students will attend an assembly to help answer that question. In addition, presenters from several agencies and organizations will be on hand to talk to students during our wellness fair. At break and lunch as well as periods 4 and 6, students will have the opportunity to attend demonstrations and visit booths in the gym to learn more about the importance of mental health, how to obtain it, and how to maintain it as well.
Counselor assignments for 2023-2024 are:
Mr. Terry Catlin
Department Chair, College Counselor, Senior Class Academic Adviser, Testing Coordinator
(323) 441-3121
Mr. Robert Ryan
Junior Class Academic Adviser
(323) 441-3177
Mrs. Loren Martinez
Freshman / Sophomore Class Academic Adviser
(323) 441-3123
Mrs. Darcy Lopez
Math and Science Academy Students / Grades 9-12