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Tuition and Financial Aid: Incoming Freshman

Cathedral High School’s Financial Aid Process:

We are excited to welcome you to our Cathedral High School community.  We understand that a Catholic private education is a costly endeavor, and financial considerations play a vital role in the decision-making process.  Cathedral High School is committed to providing a quality college preparatory education. We offer a comprehensive financial aid package to help make Cathedral accessible to families from diverse backgrounds.  We are geared to tailoring financial aid to meet the specific needs of our families by offering academic scholarships at entrance and financial aid to families who qualify.   

Financial Aid Application Submission:

To be considered for Cathedral High School’s need based financial aid, please complete both options listed below.  The online application through FACTS and the CEF application.  Both financial aid applications have no bearing on your admission application/decision.  The applications require income information (2023 taxes must be included).  Every family will be evaluated individually with the utmost confidentiality.


Option 1: FACTS Online Cathedral High School Financial Aid.  Due January 31, 2025

All families interested in receiving financial aid at Cathedral High School must apply for the online financial aid application FACTS Grant Aid.  You must create a username & password if you don’t already have one.


Option 2: CEF TAP -Catholic Education Foundation Award: Due December 13, 2024

The Catholic Education Foundation provides Cathedral High School families with Tuition Assistance Awards for families who meet the income guidelines (See below).  All families interested in applying for financial aid are also encouraged to apply for CEF as part of their son(s) financial aid package.  You may apply by making an in-person appointment and completing the application below. 


Cathedral Appointments are scheduled for October 28, 2024, and October 29, 2025, and November 8, 2024.  Appointments will take place at Cathedral High School, 1253 Bishops Road, Los Angeles, in the MHR Conference Room. 


How to Make an Appointment and apply for CEF: 


  1. Log on to  Go to the top menu bar hover over the CONTACT US link and a drop-down menu will appear, SELECT "TAP Appointments"
  2. SELECT “Next”
  3. Search and choose Cathedral High School, as your location and SELECT “Next"
  4. Choose a date and time (October 28, 2024, October 29, 2024, November 8) to meet with CEF Representatives and SELECT “Next”
  5. Enter in your information to reserve your appointment (Make sure to enter your Cell and Email to receive a text and email reminders) and SELECT “Save
  6. Please print or save the confirmation page for your records.


Deadline: We encourage you to submit your financial aid applications as early as possible during the admission application process, as this will allow us to evaluate your eligibility efficiently.  

·         CEF Application Due:  December 13, 2024 (application must be returned to Cathedral if you are unable to make an appointment). 


·         FACTS Online application Due:  January 31, 2025.   


Notification of Financial Aid Decision:  Once your completed applications have been received, you will be notified of our financial aid decision. Please be aware that financial aid awards are distributed on a need-based basis, and the amount granted may vary depending on individual circumstances.  Decisions for incoming freshman will be made prior to Registration Night March 17, 2025.  Decisions for returning students will be made in April of 2025.


Timely Submission: Each year, we receive a significant number of financial aid applications. Submitting your application before the specified deadline is crucial. Doing so will enable us to review your application thoroughly and provide you with a prompt response.   Please make sure you submit the proper income verification as required with each application.