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Campus Ministry

Prayer is the heart that fuels our Catholic Lasallian school, as such, prayer begins the students’ day at Cathedral High School and it motivates them to allow the Spirit of Christ to be with them during the academic day.  As a community, students share in the Lasallian tradition of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Daily Prayer, Prayer Services, Retreats, Annual Reconciliation, and Community Service.  All of these religious experiences are part of the Campus Ministry Mission that recognizes the Lasallian Spirit according to educational vision of St. John Baptist De La Salle.  These traditions help students understand their Catholic heritage that call them to be witnesses of the message of Jesus Christ and His Church.

Leadership requires students to be servants to their 'Phantom Brothers', teachers, staff, and the community.  In Campus Ministry, leaders cultivate their God-given talents by working in positions such as Retreat Peer Ministry, Liturgy, Music, Altar Servers, and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.

Campus Minister: 

Mr. Daniel Meraz '95